find my way | 2010-10-13

terrible sleep the last two days. been going through a sort of (much needed) mini detox. my body hates me for what i've put it through over the last month. so far too much alcohol. only on weekends, mind you, but they are such manic, completely out of control, no regard for repercussions benders, that something like what i am now experiencing was bound to happen eventually. i am supposed to be celebrating the day of my birth this friday/weekend, but instead i am fleeing away from all of this. i am going to hide away where people don't know who i am and have no idea when i was born and nor will they care and drink teas and take photographs and eat fantastically simple foods and listen to the most calming of music and not fully pickle myself for the first weekend in over a month and a half and try to find my way back to the sanity.


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